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oh! Hello.


- a message from the founder

we are a very small team of cultivators and practitioners with VERY big dreams. at óh.Hi, we believe that giving our customers access to these sacred and powerful medicines, is the inherent value, in and of itself. as the founder and lead cultivator, i found mycology when my mom needed something to help her manage the overwhelming stress of-- well, life. initially when i introduced her to microdosing at the age of nearly 70, her reaction was...less than receptive.  


mom: "You're telling me you're taking magic mushrooms every day?!"

me: "An imperceptible amount every three days."


she hung up on me. but just a few days later, mom had taken it upon herself to do a little research and found that some of the biggest names in tech and Fortune 500 companies were all microdosing. she jumped in with both feet and her life has been changed ever since. as has mine.


at the time i began cultivating, i would give away almost my entire harvest to anyone that feigned interest. and one by one, i watched the people around me starting to  become happier people. i've seen it help war veterans with PTSD, watched my friends get off of a lifetime of SSRIs, and so much more. that's why i wanted to find a way to make it available to everyone. and now it is :)

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